Check out this Copart Live Online Auction Bidding – Bidding on a parts car for $300.00!
It’s pretty cool. This is what it looks like. This is a Houston auction. Watch the video now!
I’m actually looking at this car. In 31 minutes, this car will be up. It’s a 1993 Mazda Miata MX-5. I want it for its parts.
The current bid is $100. It’s on reserve. It’s unrepairable because of flood, so I just want to know what I can salvage from the parts.
The rims, tires and body panels look great. That would be worth at least $100 to $300. If the engine cranks, then it’s a bonus. I would probably keep the rims and the tires for my Miata.
Most likely, however, the electrical is shot. On the other hand, there’s a lot of salvageable parts. I would bid up to $500.
Check out this bidding between Texas and Nigeria for this 2017 Toyota Camry. I bet Texas will win. The locals usually win because they have less shipping costs. Oh, Nigeria got it for $7000!
Now watch as I bid for the parts car. It’s a 1993 Mazda Miata MX-5. Sold on approval. So they need to accept my $300 bid and then, I got it.
If I click on Bids Status, I will see all of my bids. You can see that the seller countered. The seller’s reserve is $500 while my max bid is $300. I can either accept, counter bid or keep current bid.
It’s a great parts vehicle for $300 and it’s a bonus if the motor cranks, but I don’t think it will since it’s a flood vehicle.
It’s Tony from F1 AutoCashFormula 2.0 – How To Buy And Sell Your Cars. Thank you for joining me today. I hope you enjoyed this quick overview of Copart bidding.
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