How To Buy And Sell Cars For Profit – Screwed at Auto Auctions

If you want to learn how to buy and sell cars for profit, listen up.

This is what happens when you don’t follow the rules. Many newbies who get into the car game think auto auctions are the holy grail.

They can be. But nowadays, far from it. Especially with all of the competition. Most are open to the public, dealers are selling memberships and licenses to ANYBODY OFF THE STREET who wants to become a car dealer, and who’s making out?

Well, it’s not you! how to flip cars at auction

Listen, if you’re just starting out and want to learn how to buy and sell cars for profits then start with something that you can handle. Don’t go over budget, or get caught up in some auction hype.

Yeah, auctions can be a whirlwind. You get started on bidding, your ego kicks in and your buying a car thats worth $2,000 for $2,500! Then you gotta pay pull out fees and taxes and maybe even some transportation to get it to whatever location you want to get it to.

Plus, you gotta get this thing road ready, fix it (if needed) or spruce it up. By the time your ready to sell it your in the thing $2,800.

Now what?

I hope this isin’t you. I hope you start SMART. Start logical and start with a plan for success. This is where I come in. I’ve been buying cars, auctions, tow companies, part companies, off the street, trades, you name it.

And all of that experience came with a HEAFTY PRICE TAG. Lessons learned the HARD way. But luckily for you, you can avoid all of this mess and pick from the gently washed and dried plump cherry basket.

Ive took all of my learning experiences, all of my failures, all of my closely guarded tips and tricks that will help you move forward FAST with this business whether you’re a total newbie or intermediate flipper looking to learn new tricks to apply to the game.


P.S. Learn more about  my complete 8 week go at your pace F1 Autocash Formula How to buy and sell cars for profits system.

You can learn more about it and get it here for Half Off.

Please comment below if you have any comments or questions. Thank you and until next time.



4 thoughts on “How To Buy And Sell Cars For Profit – Screwed at Auto Auctions”

  1. Tony, I used to flip cars, but that was in the 1980’s. I took a complete course in Auto Body and Paint. But now, many years have passed. Cars are not built the same way. Used to, a little dinging and pulling and some body filler and paint, or just cleaning up was all you needed. Cars today mostly seem to have many, many more electrical problems, even transmissions. I’m much older and on a fixed income. So yes, I want to do it the right way, or better than what I was doing. So I am ready to subscribe today. Thanks Tony, you’ve really shed alot of light on this business. Rich LOL by name only.

  2. Hi Tony. I liked your Labap course material so much, now I want to flip cars too. So I subscribed. Between the 2, I should be able to take my retirement soon. Now I need to start studying, and making some real cash.


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