First, you’ll want to analyze and see what needs to be done to the vehicle ASAP.
If it needs mechanical fixes, that’s what you’ll probably want to jump on first.
If you plan to fix them yourself, I’m sure you may have the tools and mechanical ‘know how’ to do so.
If you plan on subbing-out the mechanical fixes, be sure you know and can trust the mechanic or shop that will be performing the repairs for you.
Second, you want to make sure that you can get the work done within your budget that you’ve calculated using the PME.
After mechanical issues are taken care of, or if the vehicle didn’t have any mechanical work needed, you’ll want to get the car cleaned up and perform the steps that I talk about in Chapter 8 – The Bonus Spruce-up Tactic.
Once the car is spruced up and ready for sale, the final step is to take a few nice digital pictures of the car using a digital camera or your fancy pants smartphone.
I use my iPhone for this.
If you don’t have a digital camera, I recommend getting one. They are very affordable nowadays and can be bought at any big store such as K-mart, Walmart or Target for about $50.00 or less.
If you don’t have the budget to buy a camera at this point, that’s fine. You can still get many calls from text ads if you write them right.
But by having pictures, your ads will be more responsive for you and buyers can actually kind of get an idea of what they’re looking at, you know?
YouTube Video Marketing To Sell Your Car
YouTube is a BIG deal nowadays!
I’ve been testing video ads for the past few years and they’ve been my newest secret to selling cars even faster while only attracting the best of the best of buyers.
I suggest you make a 1-2 minute video walking around your vehicle that you’re selling showing the complete outside, inside, engine bay and all. Give them the full tour.
When you do this, your prospects will really filter themselves out.
They say, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”
Have you ever heard that saying?
Well, I say, “A video is priceless.”
When you have a video up of a car that you’re selling, people can basically click from your ad to watch a video of your car on YouTube!
Cool thing is, they can even do it from their smartphone too and get a complete idea of what you are selling.
When you do this or have this available for people to look at, they KNOW what they are looking at, and by the time they get you on the phone and call you, they are serious.
Get one of these callers to come out and see your car and they’ll buy it!
Let me give you some stats on this stuff.
When I post these video ads I get a 50% shot that the guy who comes to look at the car is going to buy it.
So it means out of every 2 showings, I’ll have my car sold.
If the first guy who comes and looks at it doesn’t buy it, the second one will.
That is how much this stuff works. And I’ve sold many cars like this on the FIRST showing!
Well. I’m not going to guarantee it, but try it out for yourself! Yes, do it on your next or first car flip!
Moving on…
Once the car is cleaned up and running great, it’s time to write eye-catching ads that will get your phone ringing and have people calling you to give you money!
The fun part.
Let’s head over to the next chapter on marketing to sell and writing ads.
Be sure to watch the video section of this course. I’ll show you how you’ll want to make your YouTube videos to sell your car See you in the next chapter!
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